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Ideomotion Part 2: Corrective Movements

In a previous post I introduced the concept of ideomotion, which is a non voluntary movement prompted by mental activity. In this post I’ll discuss Barrett Dorko’s interesting theory that ideomotion may play a role in reducing and preventing some common sources of chronic pain. Here is my (hopefully accurate) interpretation of Dorko’s theory in a nutshell….

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Nerve Mechanics Part III

Image via Wikipedia In the first two posts on nerve mechanics I discussed how nerves move and how that movement can cause pain. This post is about making sensitive nerves healthy again. Without getting into a bunch of complicated anatomy about how to tension or slide certain nerves and when it’s safe to do so, […]

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Nerve Mechanics Part II

Image via Wikipedia In the previous post I discussed some of the basics of nerve mechanics. To review, the nerves need to slide, bend, elongate and withstand compression as the body moves. This motion is normal and helps keep the nerves healthy. Now I’ll look at how nerves may become sensitive to movement and cause […]

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Nerve Mechanics Part I

Image via Wikipedia Nerve mechanics, or neurodynamics simply means the study of the mechanical properties of nerves, how they stretch, move, glide, and cause pain as the body moves.  Science has made some exciting leaps forward in this area in the last twenty years,and these have been well summarized in some great books by Michael […]

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