Better Core Movement is four 35 minute audio movement lessons and a 50 page e-book that will teach you to:

  • improve the strength, power, and coordination of your core
  • reduce chronic pain and discomfort
  • maintain a taller more comfortable posture
  • feel more at home in your body

What happens during a lesson? How do the lessons work?

The lessons are audio recordings (of my voice) that instruct you to do a series of movements while lying on the floor. You can do them wherever and whenever you want.

The movements are gentle, slow, easy to follow, and highly original. The lessons are based on the Feldenkrais Method, and unless you have done a Feldenkrais lesson before, you have probably never done anything like it.

The audio lessons teach you to improve your coordination and efficiency in making the four major movements of the trunk: flexion, extension, rotation and side bending.

The E-book contains guidelines on how to do the lessons, notes on spine function, a detailed discussion of the neuroscience and rationale of the Feldenkrais Method, and other original material not available on this blog.

What makes these lessons different?

The mainstream approach to core training focuses on rigid stabilization, or in other words, preventing movement. Stability is important, but it can only be built on a foundation of mobility and coordination.

The spine and and ribs are tremendously complex structures capable of a huge variety of subtle small movements. The goal of these lessons is to restore your control over as many of these small movements as possible, and teach you to organize them into an efficient pattern where the work is distributed throughout the entire spine and the pelvis is coordinated with the head. You won’t learn that from a plank or woodchop.

Who are the lessons for?

The lessons are for anyone who wants to move better and feel better. Every movement you make, whether it’s kicking, throwing, running, walking, standing, sitting, or breathing, all depend vitally on highly complex and integrated movements of the spine and ribs. If you improve your ability to make these movements, you will necessarily improve any other movement you can think of.

These lessons may be of particular interest to someone trying to recover lost movement capabilities, improve performance in a sport, or deal with chronic discomfort or pain.

Here’s some nice feedback I received from recent purchasers:

From L.R.:

I love the lessons! They really have an effect–and are clear and easy to follow.

From L.G.:

I just bought your Better Movement lessons. I was very surprised and pleased to learn so many new things about the way my body moves in just a single session of each lesson. Thank you for creating this product.

What if I don’t like them?

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• compatible with PCs, Macs, Ipods                           • e-mail me with questions at

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